History, Technology, QualityPassing on the pride of our heritage

Tomioka silkpromotion organization

In June 2014, “Tomioka silk mill and associated sites” was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Silk production, once a key industry in Japan,
faces a difficult situation where it represents less than 1% of the national market.
"If the production of cocoons in Tomioka were to disappear,
wouldn't the registration of Tomioka silk mill on the UNESCO list lose its meaning? "
It is based on this problematic that in May 2008, the association for the promotion of Tomioka silk was
founded with the objective of transmitting the sericulture know-how of Tomioka to future generations.
Helped by the "support group for cooperation in the field of silk industry", created in 2007 in Japan,
the association has worked to develop 100% made in Japan silk products based on
strengthening the cooperation between the different players in the silk production chain,
upstream from silkworms to silk mills, and downstream from manufacturers to distributors.
On July 1, 2021, the association became the Tomioka silk promotion organization,
with the same mission of preserving the silk culture of Tomioka.

Towards a revival of Japanese silk

The starting point for the development of the Japanese silk industry dates back to 1872, when Tomioka silk mill was built in Tomioka, where sericulture was flourishing. Tomioka is thus the cradle of the “made in Japan”.
For us, the revival of Japanese silk is the city's mission. This is why we make every effort to promote Tomioka silk brand.
Our vision for the future is to resume reeling activities within Tomioka silk mill itself.

A human-sized production

Silkworms in Tomioka are raised 5 times a year, in spring, summer, early and late autumn, and early winter.
Even now, silk farmers continue to call the worms with the affectionate and respectful expression "oko-sama" (“beloved silkworms”), raising them as members of the family.
The cocoons produced in Tomioka are stored in a warehouse, then undergo our quality control, before being unwound in the silk mill of Usui (town of Annaka, in Gunma prefecture) on state-of-the-art type 6A reeling machines, among the best in the world.
We work to produce 100% made in Japan silk products with exemplary traceability.

A Japanese brand to seduce the world

Just as the raw silk of the Tomioka silk mill, known as “Japanese silk”, once fascinated the world, we aim to make the current “Tomioka silk” a global brand.
When we exhibited our products at the Lyon Silk Market in France, a country whose history is linked to that of Tomioka silk mill, many visitors stopped to contemplate and touch our products, praising their great quality.
"From traditional manufacture to innovative manufacture": focusing on quality rather than quantity, we combine our ideas and knowledge in order to improve Tomioka silk brand reputation in Japan and abroad.

Tomioka silk brand

We issue the "Tomioka silk” trademark to products made from Tomioka cocoons.
We guarantee the exemplary traceability of our products, and work on the promotion of the brand as a human-sized national production.
Our original products as well as the products of members of the association are on sale in the Silk Gallery, located in the East cocoon warehouse of Tomioka silk mill, and are available on our online shop.

Online shop Tomioka silk brand

Tomioka silk
promotion organization office


Presentation of the members

Shrink table

Number Status Name Zip Code Address Tel email
1 正会員 パーソルサンクス株式会社 170-6002 東京都豊島区東池袋3-1-1
サンシャインシティ60 2階
03-6332-6445 makoto.shiozaki@persol.co.jp
(とみおか繭工房 塩崎宛)
2 正会員 (株)まちづくり富岡 370-2316 富岡市富岡1121番地1 0274-67-0103 info@machitomi.com
3 正会員 (有)繭家 370-2451 富岡市宇田49-1 0274-62-2269 silk@mayuya.co.jp
4 正会員 土屋製麺(有)たちばな源氏庵 370-2341 富岡市下黒岩595 0274-63-3338 mendokoro@tachibanagenjian.com
5 正会員 アライデザインシステム(有) 376-0002 桐生市境野町6-444 0277-44-4718 arai-ichiro@helen.ocn.ne.jp
6 正会員 (有)扇屋菓子舗 370-2316 富岡市富岡1173-1 0274-62-0162 ohgiya.kagemori@gmail.com
7 正会員 齋藤産業(有) 960-1422 福島県伊達郡川俣町新中町60 024-565-2675 info@saito-sangyo.com
8 正会員 (株)絹工房 370-2316 富岡市富岡1152 0274-67-5023 tmaruyama@kinukoubou.com
9 正会員 株式會社 深田商店 602-8442 京都市上京区大宮通今出川下ル薬師町243番地 075-432-2100 fukada.ao@bz03.plala.or.jp
10 正会員 (株)YMエージェンシー 370-2316 群馬県富岡市富岡1149(蔵) 0274-64-9833 k-maehara@ym-agency.com
11 正会員 丸三綿業(株) 370-0883 高崎市剣崎町191-1 027-343-1433 usuda-f@marusan_mengyo.com
12 正会員 成和(株) 102-0074 東京都千代田区九段南二丁目2番地3号 03-6261-3661
13 正会員 シルク工房GM 370-2412 富岡市妙義町下高田3305-6 0274-73-3076 info@silk-kobou.com
14 正会員 (株)ソーホー 600-8357 京都市下京区猪熊通五条下る柿本町606番地1 075-353-8802
15 正会員 仲直商事(株) 602-8214 京都市上京区大宮通元誓願寺下ル北之御門町563番地 075-441-7111 nm-naka@mbox.kyoto-inee.or.jp
16 正会員 (株)ファスター 370-0128 伊勢崎市境保泉964 0270-74-2050 tashiro@firster.co.jp
17 正会員 森秀織物(株) 376-0034 桐生市東四丁目2番24号 0277-45-3111 info@morihide.co.jp
18 正会員 丸中(株) 376-0027 桐生市元宿町3-20 0277-46-3415 info@saien-marunaka.com
19 正会員 (株)K-STYLE 370-0081 高崎市浜川町1317 027-386-8025 info@kinueki.jp
20 正会員 タツミ(株) 370-3522 高崎市菅谷町20-25 027-372-5171 tatsumi0229@ybb.ne.jp
21 正会員 合同会社シンラ 370-2453 富岡市宮崎315-4 0274-64-9732 info@studioshinra.com
22 正会員 piccolce 370-0843 高崎市双葉町26-24-302 0274-64-9732 piccolce_s@ybb.ne.jp
23 正会員 アトリエジュリエ 379-2147 前橋市亀里町1189 027-265-4753 ju_ju_sjp@yahoo.co.jp
24 正会員 KANAE BRIANDET 17,rue de la Division Leclerc 91300 MASSYFRENCE kanae.briandet@gmail.com
25 正会員 株式会社松本商店 105-0003 東京都港区西新橋3-24-3 川名ビル2階 03-6452-8690 matsumoto-s@matsumoto-store.jp

Tomioka silk brand

Tomioka Silk

Q&A about silk


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